This program starts at the very beginning, teaching proper technique and strength for Acro skills. It's based on safe and effective progressions with proven results in five divisions of AcroDance: Flexibility, Strength, Balancing, Limbering, and Tumbling.
For students age 3-6 years old. This program focuses on learning the Acro positions, locomotive skills (jumping, hoping), balance skills, classroom behavior skills, movement concepts, cooperation and social skills. These classes use repetition, report cards, coloring pages, imaginary play, fun and games.
For students age 6-18 years old. This comprehensive leveled program that can permeate thought all disciplines of dance and is beneficial in many ways. When done correctly, dancers who add AcroDance to their training will become stronger, more balanced, and more flexible.
AcroDance is a program based using safe and effective progression from professional inputs in ballet, modern dance, jazz, contortion, rhythmic gymnastics, yoga, pilates, physiotherapy and hand balancing. Simple thoughtful progressions take the beginner preschool level dancer from log rolls and summersaults to the advanced dancer tumbling effortlessly across the stage!
Acrobatic Arts is a progressions system. Though these progressions, teachers will introduce new skills as the dancer has trained his/her body for the skill and is ready for it. This greatly reduces the potential for injury, creates more technically correct work, and helps dancers to progress more quickly (in the long run).
Our Acrobatic Arts teachers have completed and passed certification in the Teacher's Certification Program. These teachers are taught how to properly split balancing, limbering, and tumbling skills as well as how to promote excellence in dancers through flexibility, strength, balance, limbering, tumbling, basic contortion, and partner/group stunting for dancers.
"AcroDance is the beautiful fusion of the artistic motion of dance and the athleticism of acrobatics. AcroDance is not the same as gymnastics. An AcroDancer must complete all of the skills on the hard stage without the advantage of a sprung floor, while seamlessly integrating musicality, emotional expression, extension, control, and line. The sprung floor allows the gymnast to complete much more difficult tumbling when compared to what is recommended in AcroDance. Skills taught in AcroDance might look the same as gymnastics, but they are taught differently to compensate for the conditions. Neither the AcroDance way or the Gymnastics way are wrong, but they are different!" --Acrobatic Arts Curriculum
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